"I wanted to buy a house but had TONS of questions... and didn't know the best place to start. Thanks to this LIVE Zoom Q&A Zoom Call, I got all my questions answered and I'm ready to buy my home"
Upcoming LIVE Q&A Session Reveals...
How To Buy Your First (Or Next) Home In Dallas, Texas... Even If You Don't Know Where To Start
 Let Us Know Where To Send The Invitation 
Mark Your Calendars: March 19, 2024 from 7:00pm - 8:00pm Central Time

Meet Levi Lascsak and Travis Plumb (Your Trusted Agents Leading This Session)

Both Levi and Travis were raised in small Texas towns. Levi grew up in Stephenville, a country town about one hundred miles south of Dallas—a town, he jokes, where there’s not much to do besides milk cows, ride bulls, and play high school football, as he did, under the Friday night lights. 

Travis was raised by adoptive parents in Mesquite, about fourteen miles east of Dallas, where he played soccer and ice hockey growing up. (That’s right, ice hockey in Texas!) 

Both are combat veterans of the war in Iraq, where Levi served for a year as an Army sergeant and Travis for two ten-month tours as a Navy Seabee.

Both ran gun trucks that provided base camp security and conducted patrols. Levi’s duties also included serving in a quick reaction force, while Travis’s responsibilities included protecting the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy during their visits to Iraq.

Levi and Travis met in the fall of 2020 at the house of a mutual friend, Michael Reese. 

They soon realized they shared one more thing: a determination to take control of their own futures by building a different kind of real estate business, based on the principles of hard work, strong ethics and commitment to clients. 

Their partnership—along with their friendship and their business—have all flourished. 

During this 1 hour Q&A Session, you'll have the opportunity to ask Levi and Travis all your burning real estate questions.

Whether you're looking to buy or sell, this is the LIVE Zoom Call you WANT to be on - GUARANTEED.

Secure your FREE ticket by entering your details on this page.  

See you on the Zoom! 

Meet Levi Lascsak and Travis Plumb (Your Trusted Agents Leading This Session)

Both Levi and Travis were raised in small Texas towns. Levi grew up in Stephenville, a country town about one hundred miles south of Dallas—a town, he jokes, where there’s not much to do besides milk cows, ride bulls, and play high school football, as he did, under the Friday night lights. 

Travis was raised by adoptive parents in Mesquite, about fourteen miles east of Dallas, where he played soccer and ice hockey growing up. (That’s right, ice hockey in Texas!) 

Both are combat veterans of the war in Iraq, where Levi served for a year as an Army sergeant and Travis for two ten-month tours as a Navy Seabee.

Both ran gun trucks that provided base camp security and conducted patrols. Levi’s duties also included serving in a quick reaction force, while Travis’s responsibilities included protecting the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy during their visits to Iraq.

Levi and Travis met in the fall of 2020 at the house of a mutual friend, Michael Reese. 

They soon realized they shared one more thing: a determination to take control of their own futures by building a different kind of real estate business, based on the principles of hard work, strong ethics and commitment to clients. 

Their partnership—along with their friendship and their business—have all flourished. 

During this 1 hour Q&A Session, you'll have the opportunity to ask Levi and Travis all your burning real estate questions.

Whether you're looking to buy or sell, this is the LIVE Zoom Call you WANT to be on - GUARANTEED.

Secure your FREE ticket by entering your details on this page.  

See you on the Zoom! 
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